Background of Study
Human beings need language for communicating and interacting to one another. Through language we can transfer our ideas, feelings and express our emotions. So, language cannot be separated from our lives. The world language, such as, English has been very popular because it is considered as an International language. English is very important role in many aspects of life, such as politics, economy, social culture, and education. So, no wonder if English has been regarded as a major language in the world. Referring to this matter, the government of Indonesia has adopted English as the first foreign language and a compulsory subject to be taught and learned at junior and senior high school as well as university all over Indonesia. Although English is taught as a compulsory subject, students who are graduated from Junior High School still find many difficulties in learning and using English as a foreign language in Indonesia. Many problems or difficulties are faced by students. The difficulties are caused by some factors such as poor teaching method, different attitude of students. Experiences show that many students who have graduated from Junior High School still difficulties in learning and using English in grammatical aspect.
English  is  a  language  spoken  by  people  in  English  speaking  countries  or  in international  events among countriesaround the world.Ramelan (1992:2-3) stated that “English as an international language is used to communicate, to strengthen and to fasten relationship among all countries in the worldin all fields, for example: in tourism, business,  science  and  technology,  etc.  Considering  the  importance  of English, people from variousnon-English speakingcountries  including Indonesia learn English.” Having proficiency in English, people will be able to face this over- changing world easily.So, it is not surprising if the numberof people who are interested in learning English is getting increasedfrom time to time. /2012/06/students-errors-in-using-simple-present.html (15 Maret 2013 )
In Indonesia,  English  has  been  taught  as  a  foreign  language.  Ramelan (1992; 1)  stated that Englishhas been taughtin our country as the first foreign language since the proclamation in Indonesia on the 17th  of August1945.” It is taught as  a  compulsory subject  in  junior  high  school  and  senior  high  school  and  in universities or institutes for several terms. Even, it has been tried to be taught to the students of some elementary schools.
Besides, learning conditions in schools also can be a factor affecting the low English-language competency of students. The learning  process which is monotonous and unceative, the lack of provision of learning facilities, and innovative learning methods have resulted  in boredom and  indifferent of students in learning. Moreover, their assumption that English is not the main purpose of their life-goals makes them think that  English is not important to be learned. In fact, the progress of science and technology which continuosly grow rapidly now requires a competence  in English language skills.
The phenomena above were observed by the writer at some schools in Kupang including SMPN 9 Kupang when he did histeaching practice program there from September until December 2012. He found that the students of this school had difficulties in learning English. While learning only 10-20 % of the students participated in the laerning activities, for example in speaking activity.  Most students only spoke English when they read aload the answer  Of the questions of the questions of the reading text that were given by the teacher.  This problem had been realized by the English teacher  at this school,  but there are not many things  that can be done to solve the problem because of the lack of fund and facilities that support the teaching and learning activities at this school.
Based on the situations presented above, the writer had carrier aut a research concerned with was role- play. According to Lynne Hand (http:// www January12th 2014. Learnenglish. de/ Teacher/ collaborative . htm), it can add variety to the kinds of activities student are supposed to perform. It encourages thinking and creativity, lets students develop hand practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively safe setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for real learning to occur. Besides, it also adopts collaborative learning which involvesthe active participation of students in learning and minimizes the differences among students. In addition, it is easier to do in classrom which has limitation of media and other learning facilities.  
              In connection with that matter, the writer conducted va reasearch under the title: The use of role play method in improvinglearning participation of the first grade students of SMPN 9 Kupang in the academic year 2013/2014”.    
Problem Statement
The problems of this research
is how does role-play in improving learning participation of the first grade students of SMPN 9 Kupang?
This  chapter consists of theoretical frameworks that cover this resarch,  such as  concepts of learning, participation,  motivatio and role-play. Details of the concepts are presented as follows:
General Concept of Learning
The general concept of learning related to the  definition  of learning, elements  of  learning, the factors  that  affect  learning  process, and  English  language learning.
2.1.1 Defenition of learning
People  tend  to   define  learning  as  a  process  of  knowledge  addtion. Actually, learning  does  not  only  refer  to&nbs

p; the  number  of  knowledge  that  is  owned  by  someone,  but  also  refers  to  the  entire  individual’s  competence.  This  statement  is  based  on  the  definition  stated  by  Gagne  (1985)  which  is  adopted  by  Panen (2003:2). He  stated  that  learning  is  a  change  in  human  disposition  capability  that  persists  over  a  period  of  time  and  is  not  simply  ascribable  to  processes  growth. This  definition  is  similar  to    and  Hilgard  definition ( Panen, 2003:3 )   which  stated  that  learning  refers  to  the  change  in  a  subject’s  behavior  or   behavior  potential  to  a  given  situation  brought  about  by  the  subject’s  experiences  in  that  situation,  provided  that  the  behavior  change  cannot  be  explained  on  the  basis  of  the  subject’s  native  response  tendencies,  maturation,  or  temporary  states  (such  as  fatigue,  drunkenness,  drives,  and  so  on).

From  the   definitions  above,  we  can  conclude  that  learning  involves  there  main  points.  First,  learning  must  be  possible  to  present  an  individual’s  behavioral   change. The  change is  not  only  in,  cognitive  aspect,  but  also  in  affective  and  psychomotor  aspect.  Second,  the  change  is  the   result  of  his/her  experience  because  of  his/her  interaction  with  the  enviroment.  Third,  the  change  should  be  relative  permanent.
According to Hornby (1995:844), participation is to take part or become involved in an activity. In this stud, participation is related to learning activities. According to Diederich model ( in Sardiman, 2008:101), learning activities can be classified to eight classifications. They are (1) visual activities, (2) oral activities, (3) listening activities, (4) writing activities, (5) drawing activ ities, (6) motoric activities, (7) mental activities, and (8) emotional activities. Visual activity includes reading, looking at pictures, watching demonstrations, or watching experiments.  Oral activities related to the activity of speaking such as asking questtions, answering questions,  reciting,  giving the effort of hearing something,  such as listening to music,  listening to conversations,  listening to speeches,  and so on. Writing activities related to the activity of make written dacuments,  such as writing stories,  essays,  and reports. Drawing activities related to how the students create something such as pictures,  graphic,  and map motoric activities associated with making the construction,   conduct experimen,    and others.   Mental activities associated with how to respond to, analyze, take conclusions, and so forth. Emotional activities related to the interests or feelings such as bold, happy,  and so forth.
The activities mentioned above are necessary in learning,because the  principle of learning is a concious effort or actions to get something from what is learned,  so that is giving rise to a change in a  person  whether to his/her knowledge, or behavior.   In this case, students must participate actively through various activities in the learning activities as desacribed  above.
Role-play Method
2.3.1. Definition, types and procedures of role-play
Role-play is a form of simulation used in teaching settings.  It can be used for a number of different purposes including demonstrating a problem, demonstrating a technique, practicing a skill, reflecting on a situation, and increasing sensitivity and awareness of others ( Robertson, 2000:35).
In Concise   Oxford Dictionary written by Fowler et al (1995:1193),   role-play  is defined as   exercise or game in which participants act  the part  of another character, used in psychotherapy, language-teaching, etc. While Doff  (1990:232), stated that role-play is a way  of bringing situations from real life into the classroom. It may also include plays,  dramas,  and  simulation.
From some definitions above, it can be summarilzed that role-play is a technique which involves fantasy or imagination to be someone  else or to be a real world in scenario of plays,  dramas and simulation.
According to Byrne, in Susanti (2007:12) there are two kinds of role-play activities. They are scripted and unsripted role-play.  Sripted role-play involves interpreting either the textbook dialogue or reading text in the form of speech. The main function of the text is to convey the meaning  of language items in a memorably way. For example :
Waiter             :   Is everything O.K.  here?
Man                 :   Yes,  thank you.    Everything is fine
Waiter             :   Is your steak satisfactory?
Woman            :   Quite good
Waiter             :   How about your roast beef, ma’am?
Woman            :   It’s just rigth.   Just the way i like it.
Waiter             :   Will there be anything else,  then?
Man                 :    No,  not at the moment.
Waiter             :    Very well,  then.  Have a nice day.
( Adopted from Look Ahead book 2:Th. M. Sudarwati et a, 1989:28 )
To demonstrate the role-play based on the conversation above,  the procedures can be done as follows (Susanti, 2007:17)
a.       Teacher guides the role-play by writing some prompts such as where?,  who are they?,  what are they doing?, et cetera.  If necessary,  go through the prompts one by one, and get students to give sentences.
b.      Give an opportunity for students to read and practice the conversation with their friends.
c.       Call three students to the front: one play as the man, another as the women and the other as the waiter. They should improvise the conversation using the prompts to help them. Point out that the conversation should be similar to the one in the text book, but not exactly the same. The conversation can be shorter than the persentation dialogue. It should just cover the main points indicated by the prompts.
d.      Call out a few other groups in turn,  and ask them to have other conversation based on the prompts.
Unlike scipted role-play, unsri pted role-play does not depend on textbook dialogue or reading text in the form of speech. It is free role-play in which the  students themselves  have to decide what language to use and how the conversation should be developed. For example :

Your friend,  Angela,has just broken uo with her boy friend
She is so sad now.  She is sharing her sorrow with you.
                        (Adopted from Look Ahead book 2: Th.M.Sudarwati et al, 1989:28)
To demonstrate the role play based on the situation card above,  the procedure s can be done as follows:
a.       Teacher     prepares the class by:
ü  Discussing what the speakers might say (for example : how to express attention and respond  to Angela’s problem).
ü  Write prompt on the board to guide the role,  and any key vocabulary.
b.       The teacher devides the class into pairs.
c.        Allow the students  a few minutes to study the role cards and work out some key sentences.  Give help where needed.
d.       Call on one or two pairs to act out in front of the class.
e.        Each role-play should be performed at least tw
Actually the procedures of role-play that are given above are flexible.  Teacher can create or develop procedures which are appropriate and suitable with the class.  The most important that through role-play exercise,  students can have personal experiences to develop their thinking  and creativity in English speaking by acting out others characters in any context.
 2.3.2.  The  significance of role-play in learning activity.
            The are some benefits that can be reached out  by conducting role-play in English classed such as: it is a fun activity, it helps to perpare students for real-life communication by simulating reality, it allow students to experiment with language  they have learned,  it provides opportunity for practicing the rules of social behaviour and the various sociolinguistic elements of communication, it may be used as a stimulus to discussion and problems solving activities, etc. Besides, role-play encourages students to do the learning activities such as visual actuvities, oral activities, listening activities, writing activities, drawing activities, motor activities ,mental activities and emotional activities as Diederich Model (in Sadirman, 2008:101).
This chapter shows the result of the research conducted in class VIII.D at SMP NEGERI 9 KUPANG, Jln. Nanga Jamal Naikoten I, Kupang academic year  2012/2013. The aim of this research is to improve the students’ the  using of role play method in the first grade students of SMP Negeri 9 Kupang. The learning result of applying role play can be seen from the gained scores subjects of the research.
Reconnaissance Process
In this process the researcher looked for the data which could be used as the first data for researcher. The researcher and the teacher designed the research together in order to overcome the research problem. The data were collected through observation, interview, and test. Based on the data result, the researcher found some problems, those are:
 Physical Condition
Based on the researcher’s observation, the facilities of this school are complete enough. There are 19 classrooms for tenth to twelfth grades and 43 teachers. Each class consists of 32-35 students. Besides, there are a headmaster room, an administrator room, a teacher room, a library, biology laboratory, chemistry laboratory,  physics laboratory,  language laboratory, a computer room, a health room, a mosque, life skill rooms, some toilets, playing field, and parking area.
Although it is not a vocational high school, there are life skills to improve the student’s skill. So, when they graduate from Senior High School and they cannot continue their study to the college, they have the provision to get a job according to the skills they have learned in this high school. The life skills consist of: cooking, handy craft, computer operation, mobile phone operation, design graphic, cosmetology, fashion, and presenter training.
This classroom action research was conducted at the < span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: "times new roman" , "serif"; font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 115%;">VIII.D  grade students. The class condition is good, because the class is very clean. The facilities of this classroom are complete enough for learning process, because it is a special class. The facilities are white board, map, clock, eraser, marker. They can support the researcher to conduct this research.
Teaching and Learning Process
Based on the observation, the researcher found that the students were active enough in teaching learning English. Most of them asked many things to the teacher although some students were still ashamed, passive, afraid, and not confident to perform in front of the class.
Based on the interview with the students, the researcher concluded that the teaching and learning process was monotonous. The teacher taught speaking by catechizing the students can pay attention from the teacher in the classroom, but sometimes they were bored and they were not enjoyed in teaching learning speaking. Because the teacher only used the same method to teach speaking in every meeting.
Classroom Action
In this section the researcher reported the result of the research. This research conducted in two cycles. There were two meetings in each cycle and every meeting was used to deliver the material and test. Each meeting took 80 minutes. Every cycle in this research consisted of four steps, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. It will be explained in the following parts.
Cycle I
The researcher conducted the action himself and was helped by the English teacher. The English teacher observed the progress of English speaking learning from the backside of the classroom. The action was planned to be conducted in two meetings, on October 23th and 25th, 2013. The researcher would act the material themed “Expressing Surprise” on the action cycle 1.
Before the action was conducted, the researcher prepared everything related to the action as follows:
1.      Preparing the materials and sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of English speaking teaching-learning process when the technique is applied)
2.      Making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action.
3.      Preparing teaching facilities.
4.      Preparing teaching material.
5.      Preparing tests (to know whether students’ speaking ability improves or not)
6.      Preparing students’ attendance list.
7.      In this research, the researcher used role play as teaching method, because it has many benefits to teach speaking. Role play has simple method and easy language and pronunciation, so the students can practice the material easily.
As explained in the planning of the action above, the first cycle conducted of two meetings. Every meeting consisted of giving the material and speaking test. The cycle 1 was conducted on July, 23th 2012 and October, 25th 2013. This cycle was aimed to increase the speaking ability of the students. This first cycle used “Expressing Surprise” as the material, so one material was consisted of one meeting. The researcher as the teacher and the English teacher as an observer.
First meeting: on October 23th, 2013 the researcher and the English teacher started conducting the first action of the first cycle. In giving the material, the researcher explained about “Expressing Surprise” to the students, gave some examples, and how to say the expressions.
The observation was done during the teaching and learning process. In this step, the English teacher of SM
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n>P Negeri 9 Kupang as an observer. Since this research was collaborative research, the English teacher always accompanied the researcher to observe the teaching and learning process. The teacher observed all activities happened in the classroom and took some notes related to the teaching and learning process. The researcher prepared an observation lists and field notes that were very useful as the researcher’s reflection to make a plan for the next steps. The observer observed the teacher and the students during teaching and learning process. There were some aspects which were observed: class situation, students’ attitude, teacher technique in delivering the materials and students response when they were given the materials.
Based on the observation lists and field notes, in this first cycle, the researcher still had weakness and less timing management in teaching and learning English in the class, since the researcher’s experience in teaching and learning in the class was limited. In the teaching and learning process, the researcher gave stimulation to the students and always asked the students understanding.
Besides, the students gave a good response in teaching and learning English by using role play. Some students was very interested to study English by using role play. Only some students that were difficult to study it, because they were less knowing about the vocabularies and were difficult to speak English.
The result of the observation was written in observation lists and field notes. It was used as the data while the researcher wrote her observation result in diaries. The English teacher as the observer gave some inputs and suggestions for the researcher.
The researcher evaluated the teaching activity that had been carried out. The researcher reflected to the field note and diaries in order to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching activity that had been carried out. The weaknesses were refined in the next cycle, so the effectiveness of role play to improve students’ speaking ability was determined.
Having implemented the action in the first cycle, the researcher evaluated the teaching activity based on the observation list and field note. It was used to reflect the teaching and learning process. There were some improvements and weaknesses in teaching and learning process.
From the explanation above, the researcher got the result. The researcher should revised the technique of teaching and learning process, since some students were still got difficulties to speak English by using role play. The researcher also should pay attention to the students, especially for some students that got difficulties to made the dialogue using their own word and could not speak fluently.
The first cycle showed that the students were interested to learn speaking, but unfortunately most of them were still less confident, and afraid of making mistakes while spoke English. Before conducting the action, the students were not interested and enthusiastic in speaking because their English teacher was always monotonous in teaching English. The English teacher still used the traditional method and he did not used other method in teaching English.
After conducting the action, the students were very enthusiastic to study English, especially English speaking. It could be seen from the improvement of the students’ ability in every meeting. In this cycle the researcher found that the students speaking ability improved.
Based on the result of the test given in every meeting, the students speaking ability in the first cycle improved. It could be seen from the changes in every meeting of the first cycle. The number of the first meeting was 38.31 and the number of the second meeting was 42. It showed that the students speaking in the first cycle improve. The result of the students speaking was not disappointed.
The discussion was required in order to validate and to crosscheck the findings of the two real observers. The results are presented as follows:
Table 1 : Diederich model for frequencies of Students’ Participation in Cycle 1
Frecuency of
Watching demonstration
Asking question
Answering question
Stating comments or openion
Educational noises
Linten to teacher’s explanation
Listen to question
Listen to reciting
Listen to comments or oponions
Writning a story, report,etc
Drawing a map,picture,concep
Motorict aspect
Conduct a demonstration
Take conclution
Adapted from Sadirman ( 2008:101 )
Cycle II
In this cycle, the action was planned to be conducted in two meetings, on July 27th and October 30th, 2013. Every meeting was used to deliver the material and test. The researcher would convey the material
“Agreement and Disagreement” on the first action of cycle 2, and “Analytical text” on the second meeting of the cycle 2. This cycle would be explained in four steps, namely replanning, action, observation, and reflection.
Based on the first cycle result, it could be concluded that the researcher still had many problems in teaching and learning process. It was caused the researcher’s experience was limited and still had to learn more to be a better teacher in teaching and learning process. Therefore, the researcher tried to revise the technique in teaching and learning process of the second cycle.
Before the action was conducted, the researcher prepared everything related to the action as follows:
1.      Preparing the material and sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of teaching-learning process when the technique is applied).
2.      Making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action.
3.      Preparing teaching facilities
4.      Preparing teaching materials
5.      Preparing test (to know whether students’ speaking ability improves or not),
6.      Preparing students’ attendance list.
The second cycle consisted of two meetings. Every meeting was used to apply the material and speaking test. The cycle 2 was conducted on  27th and October 30th, 2013. This cycle was aimed to increase the speaking ability of the students reflected to the first cycle. In this second cycle the researcher used materials “ Giving and Asking Opinion” on the first meeting of the second cycle and “Analytical text” on the second meeting of the second cycle.
First meeting: on October 27th, 2013 the researcher and the English teacher started conducting the first action of the second cycle. In giving the material, the researcher explained about “Agreement dan disagreement” and how to say the expressions. Then, the researcher asked the students to practice together.
On October 27th, 2013 the researcher started to teach the students and he was accompanied by the English teacher. This meeting also discussed the material about “debate”. In this section, the researcher tried to revise the previous technique in the first cycle.
The researcher came into classroom and opened the class by greeting and praying together. Before began the lesson, the researcher checked the students’ attendance and prepared the things that were needed (assessment sheet, board marker, eraser, and recorder). Then the researcher also tried to brain stormed the classroom situation by giving some question about the previous materials to build up the students’ interest and motivation.
After reviewing the previous materials in the first cycle, the researcher started to explained about the material and a few material a
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bout debate to the students. The students were very enthusiasm and interested about debate. During delivering the material, the researcher gave the question for the students. All of the students gave a good response with the material by given the researcher and they were active to answer the questions from the researcher.

After that, the researcher asked the students to practice the role play in front of the class, as a teacher or headmaster to give opinion about “No Smoking in the School Area”. The researcher gave the students about 30 minutes to make some opinions and asked the students to use expression that was learned in this action and in the previous action and they had to use their own words.
In the second cycle, the researcher was observed by the English teacher. The observer observed all of the activities in the classroom, both of teacher and the students. The activities that were observed were the students’ attitude, students’ response with the activity, teacher’s ability to teach the students, and teacher’s technique in teaching and learning process. Based on the observer’s notes, it showed that teaching and learning process could run as planned.
The action had shown that in this cycle the students gave more positive response to the researcher while teaching and learning process than the first cycle. The students were more relaxed, enjoyed, and more active in learning process. The students’ attitude also gave more good response than the previous cycle.
In the first meeting, the researcher asked the students to practiced the role play as a teacher or headmaster. The students made a opinion about “No smoking in the school area”. Then, they practiced or presented in front of the class. All of the students were very enthusiasm in studying speaking by using role play. In this meeting only three students got difficulties in studying English. It was caused the students were still afraid of making mistakes and less confidence. In this meeting the researcher also paid more attention to the students, especially students that still got difficulties to learn English.
In the second meeting, the students were divided into some group and every group consisted of four students. And they had to work in group. It meant that the students could share and communicate with their friends, so it made the students more active than the previous meeting. In this cycle, the observer also explained that the researcher was success in controlling the classroom and created a good atmosphere, but there was only less problem in timing management. The students were more enthusiastic and being better in learning English. Only three students still got difficulties to study the material that had been given.
The discussion was required in order to validate and to crosscheck the findings of the two real observers. The results are presented as follows:
Table 1 : Diederich model for frequencies of Students’ Participation in Cycle II
Frecuency of
Watching demonstration
Asking question
Answering question
Stating comments or openion
Educational noises
Linten to teacher’s explanation
Listen to question
Listen to reciting
Listen to comments or oponions
Writning a story, report,etc
Drawing a map,picture,concep
Motorict aspect
Conduct a demonstration
Take conclution
Adapted from Sadirman ( 2008:101 )
After implementing the second cycle, the researcher compared the result of the first cycle and the second cycle. There were some differences between the first cycle and the second cycle. They were the class situation, students’ motivation, students’ interest, and students’ comprehension.
In the second cycle, the students were more enjoyed, pleasant, and had more motivation in English speaking learning. Then, the students were more active to answer the teachers’ questions with confidently. The students could discuss the material well. They were not noisy when learning process done. Besides, the researcher could manage the classroom and made a good atmosphere in the classroom. The researcher was able to make teaching and learning process was better than the previous cycle. So, the result of the second cycle was more improved than the result of the first cycle.
This section presents the discussion of the research findings and concerns on the students’ interest, students’ motivation toward speaking learning which is conducted through role play, and the students speaking ability after having role play. The data of the research findings are gained from the observation list, field notes, interview, and test.
1.      Students’ Interest
Role play is one of the entertaining methods that can also be used as a teaching method. Role play is also considered to be an appropriate method to create relax and fun class atmosphere. Role play can add and increase the students’ interest in learning English, especially speaking. It was proven by the teachers’ answer in interview as follows:
R:Bagaimana kemampuan berbicara siswa setelah menggunakan metode role play?
ET: Ada peningkatan, karena siswa mendapat tantangan baru karena ada hal baru, sehingga siswa menjadi ingin tahu dan ingin belajar Bahasa Inggris.
Translation: R: How is the students’ speaking ability after using role play method? ET: There is an improvement, because the students get a new challenge caused of something new, so the students want to know and they want to learn more about English much better.
Based on the interview result above, the researcher concluded that the students were interested to learn English speaking by using role play. It was caused the students still liked practicing it in front of the class, so this method was appropriate to teach the students. The method could also develop their imagination and express their feeling while learning process was done. Besides that, this method could increase the stu
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dents’ interest in learning speaking.

2.      Students’ Motivation
Motivation was very important in studying speaking; because without motivation, students would be difficult to learn speaking. So, the students needed motivation to support their education. Role play was one of the method that could be used to support teaching and learning speaking.
Role play also added the students’ motivation to learn speaking. It was proven by the students’ observation in each action and from the students’ answer in interview. The students’ observation showed that they get motivation to study speaking after practiced role play in front of the class. To get further information about the students’ observation result, the researcher presented the data obtained from the observation lists in the table as follows:
The result of students’ observation
The aspects observed
The students were being
active in learning 
active in learning
The students responds the teacher
The students were being active in responding the material
The students respond to the task
Based on the observation result, the researcher found that most of the students gave positive response toward teaching activity. It was supported by the result of their speaking test. It proved that the using of role play could motivate the students in learning English as the foreign language. Moreover, it could help the students to learn and develop their speaking ability.
The researcher also conducted an interview with some students. Based on the interview, the students also gave positive response in learning English by using role play. The students said that they were enjoy and happy to learn with the researcher by using role play. It showed that the students got motivation to study English speaking using role play. It can be seen from the result students’ interview as follows:
R: Did you enjoy studying English by using role play?
S: Yes, I did. Because I felt comfortable with her role play. It did not make me bored, and made me more love English lesson.
Based on the interview result above, the researcher concluded that the students were interested to learn English speaking by using role play. It was caused the students still liked practicing it in front of the class. So this method was appropriate to teach the students. The method could also develop their imaginations and express their feeling while learning process. Besides that, this method could add the students’ interest in learning speaking.
3. The students’ Speaking Ability after having role play
Role play is one of the methods that can be used to teach English speaking. Role play has special characteristics that are close to children’s imagination. They are fun, colorful, and attractive. Role play has a strong influence to the students. The students are also still children, so the students need the method that suitable with them. That is the cause why role play become a suitable method to teach students.
Based on the interview, observation, and field notes, the researcher found that the students’ speaking ability improved.; the improvement was shown from the students’ attitude during the action. During the researcher was implementing the actions, the students were more active and enjoy.
5.1. Conclusions
Based on the result of the research the writer would like to present same conclusions which are presented as follows:
1.      The use of role-play will enable the students to take active participation in the English class not only as individuals but also as teams. The participation refers to eight variable, namely visual, oral listening, writing, drawing, motor,  mental, and emotional together with all of their categories.
2.      The use of role-play in English classes at SMP Negeri 9  kupang  is new and the students expect  their teacher to include role-play in their English classes.
3.      Role-play is not necessarily presented as a daily class performance, but it can be an effective learning technique if it is wellplaned and carefully implemented in English class.
4.      Role-play is an interesting activity which makes the class more active and alive. All students will participate in learning more spontaneously and willingly, the teacher does not have to be forceful in a way that persuades students to do any learning task. in such situation, the students  can work together developing and sharing the ideas more freely, in their attempts to learn English
        Dealing with the teaching learning process in English classes, the writer has same suggestions which are presented below:
1.      The teacher should be more creative with new strategies to allow students to spend more time to practice English, improve their vocabulary so that they are able to produce correct English sentence.
2.      Teacher need to very not only the teaching techniques but also the learning material to avoid monotonous and boring class. In this case teacher should be able toadopt and adapt appropriated techniques materials form other sources and entirely depend on the textbook. The material should be interesting enough to the students and compatible and compatible with the students , level.
3.      The students, errors and mistake should become better inputs for the teacher to seek a better teaching strategy. 
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/2012/06/students-errors-in-using-simple-present.html (15 Maret 2013 )